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OM System OM-1

Le µ4/3, légèreté et performance

Un système parfait pour la photo nature, et pas seulement..
S'offrir le plaisir d'une séance photo sans que le sac détruise l'épaule et la colonne vertébrale, voyager en avion sans craindre que le matériel trop lourd ne termine en soute, retrouver la joie de la photo sans contrainte, voici quelques uns des nombreux atouts du M43.
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Ultimate Customization

Plug and Play Presets
The Styles settings provides a user friendly interface for easily customizing the stylistic elements of the template, such as color pickers for link, font or background colors. You can choose from ten predefined presets or create or customize your own.
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Responsive Layout

Callisto is built with a Responsive Layout, which means it automatically adapts to the viewing device, so will expand and contract accordingly to the size and resolution of the screen, whether mobile, tablet or desktop. This ensures a consistent, and easy to maintain, appearance for your site.

Mobile friendly with responsive layout and Offsection position

Photo Gallery

Using the power of Gantry 5 Particles to create a customizable image grid.
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